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Council of Europe

The Bureau of the Governing Board of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) Council of Europe (EPA) held its annual meeting on 24-25 February at its Headquarters in Luxembourg. The meeting was held this year in the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Julien VUILLEMIER, Chair of the EPA, Mr. Matjaz GRUDEN, Director of Democratic Participation of the Council of Europe and by Ambassador Jean-Claude KUGENER, President of the European Institute of Cultural Routes (Luxembourg). Mrs Margarita LIOULIA (Greece), Mrs. Urszula ŚLĄZAK (Poland), Mrs Baiba MURNIECE (Latvia and Mrs Meltem ÖNHON (Turkey) took part in the meeting as Bureau members (photo).

The Bureau gathered to discuss the evaluation cycle 2021-2022 for the regular 3-year Certification cycle for 12 Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and the evaluation of new candidates for certification in preparation for the Annual EPA Governing Board meeting to take place of 5-6 May in Luxembourg.

 The EPA Bureau meets in Luxembourg to discuss the 2021-2022 Certification Cycle

New candidate routes include:

  • Women Writers Route
  • European Fairy Tale Route
  • Historic Cafes Route
  • European Network of Holy Week and Easter Celebrations
  • Holy Places of Undivided Christianity
  • The Chocolate Ways
  • In the footsteps of Saint Paul

The meeting was also the opportunity to exchange news on the 11th Annual Advisory Forum on Cultural Routes that will take place at the invitation of the Greek authorities in Chania (Crete), Greece on 5-7 October.

The Governing Board is responsible for the general implementation of the tasks conferred to the EPA and for the award the Council of Europe Cultural Route certification in accordance with Resolution CM/Res(2013)67-rev the rules for the award of the “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” certification. The EPA is currently composed of 36 member States.


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