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About us How to join Members of the Association

Membersip in the Association

The project involves carrying out research and analysis work, organization of events (conferences, presentations, exhibitions, excursions), publication of articles, essays and booklets. However, its key part is constant and creative interaction with the participants, exchange of information and views. “Holy Places of Undivided Christianity” route is a large-scale and ambitious project. It would be impossible to accomplish all the tasks without the involvement of a wide range of people, specialized in various fields and sincerely interested in achieving the project goal.

Our most important task is to certify the "Holy Places of Undivided Christianity" cultural route at the European Institute for Cultural Routes. In accordance with the rules of this organization, the Association of specialists in the field of cultural routes was created and the Scientific Council of the project is being formed.

We invite interested persons to cooperate. Please contact us by email

Membership in the Association 

The Memorandum of Cooperation with the Association “Holy Places of Undivided Christianity” establishes mutual obligations of the parties but does not create legal or financial obligations.

 Association guarantees: 

  • active participation in a high-status international cultural and educational project;
  • access to the usage of corporate identity of the route, in the future – corporate identity of the Council of Europe;
  • placement of information about the Partner and the proposed objects on the website of the route and in the future – on the website of the Council of Europe;
  • invitation or representation of the Partner at events (in-person and online) with the participation of the Association (including international events);
  • inclusion of the Partner in publications about the route.

 Upon joining the Association, the Partner: 

  • provides a list of objects for a thematic route and their descriptions;
  • provides support in organizing events of the Association;
  • attracts the Association to participate in organized events;
  • distributes information about the route;
  • participates in regular monitoring and data collection for project promotion in the information field.

 Scientific council membership

 We are interested in the participation of historians, culturologists, art historians, archaeologists, scholars in the field of religious studies and others in the work on the “Holy places of Undivided Christianity” route.

 Scientific board member selection criteria: 

  • a degree in humanities (preferably in history, philosophy, library and museum studies, visual arts, archaeology, religious studies);
  • professional interest to Christian culture;
  • willingness to conduct research work in the fields of cognitive and spiritual-cultural tourism;
  • work experience in a cultural institution or a university;
  • existing publications (monographs, articles, essays), relating to the project theme;
  • willingness to act on behalf of the Association “Holy places of Undivided Christianity”. 

Cooperation with the Association

The partner may sign a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Association “Holy places of Undivided Christianity”, which involves the cooperation in the creation of the route, mutual assistance in conducting research on finding cultural heritage sites and in their inclusion in travel projects, and mutual informational support.


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